Direction: Eng. Rogério de Souza Lima
Graduation: PUC-RGSul /1966 - Civil Engineering
Pos-graduation in Rock Mechanics - IGEO/UFRJ - 1972
Pos-graduation in Geotechnical Engineering - COPPE/UFRJ - 1972 to 1974
Invited Professor of the COPPE-UFRJ-Geotechnical Instrumentation (Main - Prof. A.J.Costa Nunes)
Description of the Company: Established individual company in 14 of May of 1996, continuity to the professional jobs of Civil and Geotechnical Engineering, ,Risk Management and Environment.  Professional Experience: Franki(4), Montana Obras(2), Iesa(15), Promon(1), ENEFER(3), Tecnosolo(1year).
Areas of Performance: Dams and Levees / Underground Works / Instrumentation / Foundations / Stabilizations
Risk Management / Remote Sensing / Environment / Erosion Control / Vetiver GeoTechnology



IESA / FURNAS  - UHE SERRA DA MESA - 1200 MW - Main Design - Manager Rock Mechanics Engineer
IESA / CEMIG - UHE S. SIMÃO - 2680 MW - Main Design  - Senior Geotechnical Engineer
IESA / CESP - UHE EUCLIDES da CUNHA - 94.8 MW - Main Design of Reconstruction works - Senior Instrumentation  Engineer

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IESA / CESP - UHE A.SALLES OLIVEIRA - 28 MW - Main Design of Reconstruction works - Senior Instrumentation Engineer
IESA / GERP - UHE ITAIPÚ - 12600 MW - Feasibility Design - Senior Geotechnical Engineer
IESA / FURNAS - UHE ITUMBIARA - 2080 MW - Feasibility and Main Design - Senior Geotechnical Engineer
IESA / FURNAS - UHE PORTO COLOMBIA - 320 MW - Design executivo  - Geotechnical Engineer 
IESA / CEEE - UHE PASSO REAL - 125 MW - Main Design - Instrumentation Staff Engineer
PROMON / ITAIPU - UHE ITAIPU - 12600 MW - Design Studies of the concrete dam type alternatives - Senior Staff Engineer
IESA / ELETROBRÁS - UHE FUMAÇA (PUMP STORAGE), Rio de Janeiro - Feasibility Studies - Geotechnical Engineer
IESA / ELETROBRÁS - UHE PACATUBA (PUMP STORAGE), CE - Feasibility studies - Geotechnical Engineer
IESA / ELETROBRÁS - UHE SANTANA (PUMP STORAGE), Rio de Janeiro - Feasibility studies - Geotechnical Engineer
IESA / FURNAS - UHE FUMAÇA - Feasibility studies Main Design - Manager Geotechnical Engineer
IESA / ELETROPAULO - UHE HENRY BORDEN II - Underground Penstock Stabilization - Manager Geotechnical/Civil Engineer
MBR-Mascarenhas Barbosa Roscoe / VALESUL - UHE MELLO - 10 MW - Main Design and Construction - Consulting Eng. RSL C
MEK / CATAGUAZES-leopoldina - UHE CACHOEIRA DO EMBOQUE - 18 MW - Main Design - Consulting Engineer RSL C


IESA / FURNAS - BOA ESPERANÇA  - Main Design - Reconstruction - Manager Geotechnical Engineer
IESA / PETROBRAS - RIO VERDE (REPAR) - Preliminary and Main Design - Staff Geotechnical Engineer
IESA / CVRD - ITA AZUL/ Tailing * MÃE DAGUA/ Water supply - Preliminary and Main Designs - Staff Geotechnical Engineer
IESA / SERLA - GERICINO (river control), RJ - Main Design and Construction - Geotechnical Consultant
A.J.COSTA NUNES / DNOS - BRUMADO / BICO DE PEDRA - Construction: Fundations/Instrumentation - Geotechnical Consultant
IESA / NUCLEBRÁS - REZENDE LEVEE(Water Supply) - Construction Inspection - Geotechnical Consultant
G.BOURDEAUX / EMBASA-AGUA FRIA / SUDESA-PÃO DE AÇUCAR - Main Design - Numerical Methods Consultant
A.J COSTA NUNES-ROY HUNT / Cataguazes Leopoldina - NOVA MAURICIO - Rehabilitation - Foundations Consultant
TECNOSOLO / DNOS - BARREIRAS - Rehabilitation Design - Geotechnical Consultant
MONTANA OBRAS / CESP - JAGUARI - Construction: Rockfill reinforcement (gunite) - Construction Engineer


IESA / SERLA - TUNNEL EXTRAVASOR VIDIGAL, Rio de Janeiro - Design and reconstruction - Geotechnical Consultant
MONTANA OBRAS / COPEL-ELETROCAP - UHE CAPIVARI-CACHOEIRA - 250 MW - Underground gunite - Construction Engineer
MONTANA WORKMANSHIPS / COMASP - JUQUERI (Water Supply) - Tunnels gunite work - Construction Engineer

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